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Feature sheet - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - Totara Learning
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Totara Learn, Engage, Perform, TXP / General Data Protection regulation (GDPR)


Manage your GDPR compliance.

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force across all European Union countries, it’s vital that organisations can fulfil these requirements. 

The Totara Talent Experience Platform (TXP) features a range of data protection features and user data management tools to help ensure your organisation’s learning management system is compliant.


Keep your users informed of their rights and obligations 

Organisations can create site-wide use policies that users must review and agree or decline – with all responses recorded within a dedicated user consent report.

Site policy versioning allows organisations to update policies when required and request users update their responses on their next login.

The Totara TXP also supports multiple languages with translated policies automatically presented to users in their selected language.



Manage the collation and export of user data

Within the Totara platform, administrators can create and manage different export types in order to specify what data will be exported when a user exports their own data, versus the data an administrator can export upon user request.

Different export types can be used to safeguard your users and your organisation from the accidental export of sensitive data and to process GDPR related data requests as and when they arise.

Export files allow an individual to review what type of personal data is collected, processed and stored their Totara site, and reconcile this information with their latest site policy consent.   



Standardise data deletion and data retention

Administrators can create and manage multiple data removal or purge types. These data purges can be automated or executed on an ad hoc basis by permitted users.

Each purge type has an individual configuration, specifying the retention, deletion or anonymisation requirements of data for different types of users within the system, allowing your organisation to balance GDPR compliance with reporting and auditing regulations.




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