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Compliance management - Totara Learning
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Compliance management

Keep on top of mandatory and compliance based training.

Many organizations operate in highly regulated or safety-critical environments where compliance is a legal and regulatory requirement. The ability to determine compliance criteria and maintain a clear and accurate audit trail is a critical feature.

Totara Learn offers a range of tools to assign the right learning programs to the right people, automate recertification reminders and generate comprehensive reports on completions and non-compliance.



Build multi-course programs and certifications

Totara Learn programs provide a mechanism to enroll learners into both mandatory and optional learning such as onboarding, health and safety courses and management training.

You can create single or multi-course custom learning pathways from an online, offline and blended course catalog with a range of options around completion order, mandatory versus optional courses and prerequisites.

With the ability to personalize, preconfigure and automate messages for learners, managers and administrators, you can proactively manage completion reminders and notifications.

Totara Learn certifications allow not only customized certification paths but also differing recertification pathways to ensure ongoing compliance.  

Automatic tracking of certification expirations will alert learners and managers to upcoming training needs and ensure budgets and development time are efficiently allocated.

Administrators can assign programs and certifications automatically by job assignment, position, organization, audience, management hierarchy or to specific individuals.




Create personalized messages

With the ability to personalize and preconfigure a variety of messages for learners, managers and administrators, you can create automated completion reminders and preschedule important updates.

Using the centralised notifications framework, you can create default messages at the system level and make any required changes or additions for each program and certification you offer.

Messages can be pre-built and sent when particular conditions are met, and can be sent through a variety of methods including email, to MS Teams, to a user’s dashboard or via Totara Mobile.

Simple-to-use placeholders can be quickly added to personalize and customize every message, alongside support for multiple languages.



Generate compliance and completion reports

Totara Learn offers in-depth reporting on which staff have passed and completed assessments and compliance training. Learning and development teams can generate reports on individuals that haven’t yet completed their compliance and mandatory learning and engage with their managers to ensure their training is prioritized.

With the ability to schedule daily, weekly, monthly or yearly reports on compulsory and compliance training completions and gaps, compliance managers can have relevant and up-to-date reports sent straight to their inbox.



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