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LearningWorks - Totara Learning
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Welcome to LearningWorks!

Kia hāngai te ako | We help learning work.

We elevate learners and learning with practical training and development, innovative learning technology and thoughtful learning design.

Partnering with us means gaining over 19 years of expertise in Learning Design, Learning Technologies and Training & Development. We leverage this wealth of experience to give you and your learners the competitive edge needed to achieve real results.

We’re a team of real people with a genuine focus on quality learner success. Whether you’re a
technical expert, an HR professional, or someone in Training & Development, we stand by your side, helping you reach your goals.

Totara Learn is a powerful learning management system that we can help you bring to life (develop)
and maintain (hosting, maintenance and support) in a way that works for you, your business
processes and needs. Combine this with our overarching experience in resource and assessment
development (Learning Design) and Category One Private Training Establishment (PTE) we truly help
learning work.

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Don’t let your LMS hold you back.