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Sinclair Pharma reaches thousands of aesthetic physicians with key training information - Totara Learning
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Sinclair Pharma reaches thousands of aesthetic physicians with key training information

Delivering product information, training and personalised learning experiences to doctors around the world who are treating patients with Sinclair Pharma products.

Sinclair Pharma is an aesthetics company providing physicians around the world with products used in high quality, natural looking and minimally invasive cosmetic treatments.

With the company operating in Western Europe, US, South Korea, Mexico and Brazil, and via distributors in Asia, North America, Latin America and the Middle East, it was facing a challenge in its efforts to reach all physicians with a training programme that would maintain consistency in best practice, safety and patient outcomes.

The Challenge

In 2017, having realised the difficulty in training physicians in some parts of the world directly, Sinclair Pharma created a basic WordPress website to deliver video training. While not equipped to deliver the high quality learning experiences the company wanted for its physicians, the website at least demonstrated the potential for an e-learning platform to work successfully.

A year later, they approached Totara Partner Synergy Learning to develop a learning management system that would:

  • Improve user experience to optimize learning experiences for physicians.
  • Offer multilingual training to cater for learners around the world.
  • Use layout and design to support strategic goals.
  • Engage physicians already using Sinclair Pharma products.
  • Provide a platform for prospecting and promoting.
  • Integrate webinars within the LMS.
  • Present adaptive learning learning journeys based on each physician’s interests, knowledge and experience.
  • Provide better measurement and reporting on the participation of individual learners.
The Solution: Creating a pioneering online training college

Synergy Learning worked with Sinclair Pharma to create Sinclair College, an e-learning platform that is pioneering within a pharmaceutical sector still heavily reliant on face-to-face sales and training. Using the Totara Learn learning management system, Synergy Learning designed a user interface and user experience that makes it far easier for aesthetic physicians to get the information they need.

This includes:

  • On-demand videos delivering training on products, anatomy, combined treatments and practice support.
  • Programmes guiding the learner from basic training through to advanced techniques on the application of each product.
  • Webinars in which physicians can take part in peer-to-peer training on product usage, anatomy and specific topics, with registration done via the platform.

A tagging system provides intuitive training pathways and ensures that physicians engage in training that is suited to their level of experience and knowledge, as well as their professional interests or specialisms.

Sinclair Pharma has full control over registration for Sinclair College, which helps to protect the security and integrity of the information, while also ensuring that admins can monitor and stay in contact with physicians who are using the LMS.

By customizing Totara Learn’s open source platform, Synergy Learning have delivered an LMS that is professional, easy-to-use and cost-efficient.

The Results: Consistent training for 10,000 physicians worldwide

More than 10,000 aesthetic physicians are now registered to learn about Sinclair Pharma’s products via Sinclair College. The limitations of the previous website make it impossible to be precise about the number of physicians who used it, but the new LMS has certainly resulted in a significant increase in the number of learners engaging with Sinclair Pharma’s e-learning content.

Thanks to multiple translated versions of the LMS, each physician is able to learn in a language of their choosing improving completion rates and overall satisfaction with the LMS.

The platform has received glowing feedback from physicians who, despite not always being the most computer literate of learners, are now able to access the information they need more easily and are guided through relevant training. Sinclair College administrators can track the progress and knowledge of individual physicians to ensure they have all the information they need.

“Our platform has been very well received and we have seen a huge number of physicians going onto our LMS to learn about our products. It would have been very difficult to keep in contact with them without our LMS. We are very proud of the platform, which has proven to be a very efficient way to train and stay in touch with physicians in markets around the world.” – Virginie Cheguillaume, Head of e-Education, Sinclair Pharma

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