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Remondis' new learning platform saves thousands in travel and training workshops - Totara Learning
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Remondis’ new learning platform saves thousands in travel and training workshops

Creating a new learning platform that helps Remondis achieve huge reductions in its travel and workshop expenses through its new learning platform.

Remondis is one of the world’s largest recycling, industrial services and water treatment companies. It has more than 30,000 employees working at 800 locations across four continents, serving 30 million people and thousands of companies worldwide.

With employee numbers growing all the time, and those employees operating in a variety of countries and industries, Remondis needed a more cost-efficient and centralized way to ensure compliance with industry standards.

Synergy Learning were brought in to deliver a Totara Learn learning management system (LMS) that would help the IT team at Remondis HQ in Germany to oversee a range of training and certifications, while also delegating some management tasks to administrators in other sites.


The Solution: Localized management, centralized oversight.

Synergy Learning used Totara Learn’s multi-tenancy feature and some custom functionality to deliver the segmentation of audiences needed by Remondis’ IT team. Staff in HQ now have overall management of the LMS, but learning managers at other locations can access courses and data that is relevant to them.



The multi-tenancy feature means managers at 23 sites in Germany and others in Poland and the Netherlands have control over onboarding of new employees. Synergy Learning developed custom plugins to automatically enrol and authenticate new learners onto relevant courses, with each learning manager being able to access and amend this feature to suit their courses and learners. Another bespoke plugin allows managers to approve access to courses requested by each employer, which prevents sign-ups for unnecessary or irrelevant training and cuts down on wasted learning time.

Each learning manager gets custom reports on their learners and the statistics that matter to them, while the team at HQ can keep track of learning and compliance across the whole organization. The ability to manage a range of audiences means Remondis can keep track of learning in different sites, countries and industries.

Synergy Learning also developed a plugin to pair the Totara Learn LMS with the SAP Quality Management software. This ensures that Remondis’ quality control processes are integrated with its training programs. SAP QM course completions are confirmed and logged within the LMS for ease of management and HR reporting.

That attention-to-detail over learner experience is supported by an excellent user experience when Remondis employees are using the site. Synergy Laerning developed a bespoke theme and navigation suited to Remondis’ requirements. The design pairs existing brand guidelines with bespoke UX features and functionality to make the platform easy to use for learners and admins.


The Results: Cutting costs and delivering more effective training

The LMS has dramatically reduced Remondis’ travel and training workshop costs. The ability to effectively manage and delegate learning through a centralized platform has reduced the need for trainers to travel to multiple sites to deliver workshops.

Instead, each employee can now learn at a time, place and pace that suits them. They do so through a platform that is designed to make accessing training easy and engaging, with 16,200 courses completed to date.

Remondis now has full control over compliance and HR reporting throughout its organization. The centralized LMS can scale up to serve more sites and employees as the company continues to grow.

“Various industrial and legal requirements meant it wasn’t easy to train our employees in different cities and countries. Totara – with the support of Synergy Learning – was the complete package for the job.”

“Synergy Learning quickly understood our requirements and incorporated them into the system with great attention to detail.”

Salih Çelebi, Application Manager, Remondis

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