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Pelephone delivers learning in a rapidly changing telecommunications market

Pelephone is a leading Israeli telecommunication carrier which employs thousands of workers. The company has a range of complex training needs covering many different areas such as call-centers, customer service and sales, IT, HR and more.

This creates challenges for the company Learning & Development department as it needs to design and deliver learning to meet the requirements of diverse employee audiences. The company needed a system that provided flexibility, tailoring of content to different audiences and an easy to use interface for users.

The Challenge: Finding an LMS that moves as fast as we do

As a leading Communications Company, Pelephone’s employees need to keep pace with a fast-changing market. In the communications industry there are almost weekly technological innovations, new standards and new regulatory requirements.

There is also aggressive competition with constantly changing competitor innovations, products and pricing strategies. In this environment, staff need to be kept updated quickly and cost-effectively. Learning has to be delivered quickly and made accessible to a dispersed workforce. In addition, it is essential the company monitors and manages the employees’ knowledge and skillset to ensure they meet certain standards.

Pelephone needed a learning management system that:

  • had the ability to communicate learning content in various channels
  • provided the flexibility to personalize learning processes to diverse audiences and users
  • could efficiently create, monitor & manage tests and assessment processes
  • could be implemented quickly
  • would allow the company to test new innovative learning concepts
  • would be very cost-effective both in terms of implementation and ongoing management costs.

Our L&D strategy is that employees’ training is an ongoing process and not a one-time course. We were looking for a solution that will facilitate learning content accessibility for employees as well as manager for indoor courses as well as on-the-job. The previous system was limited and wasn’t able to provide flexibility to professional users wishing to implement learning items quickly and easily.

Nir Tidhar, Director of Training Development and Learning Technologies, Pelephone
The Totara Learn Solution

Pelephone chose Totara Learn system to meet their requirements, and chose LearnigZone as their Totara partner.  The primary reasons included:

  • Totara’s capabilities including
    • Audience management which enabled segmentation of different employee groups
    • Assessment capabilities which enabled sophisticated assessment creation
    • Reporting by audience/team level
  •  the extensive experience of LearnigZone in the area of implementing e-learning and LMS solutions.

The Implementation included a detailed design process, customizing Totara to Pelephone’s specific requirements and internal systems, and branding that reflects the company values and vision.

The Results
Amazing adoption

In partnership with , The learning processes that were already working in the organization were migrated quickly to the new LMS. Usually rolling out a new LMS can lead to challenge and resistance among learners. But the fact that the Totara has enabled high flexibility and independence of the different users has led to a rapid adoption of the system by Pelephone’s employees. In the first few weeks of the Totara launch over 2,000 users joined the system and accessed training.

Many audiences and needs –  one LMS

Currently, the system serves over 2,500 users that use the system on a regular basis for ongoing training courses. These include new employees undertaking onboarding training, ongoing on-the-job training for employees in call-centers, sales and service point-of-sales, logistics and business division, and executives. The training includes compliance courses, technical training and management courses. With Audience Managment, Totara easily segments and targets the right learning at the right learners, making for an efficient experience.

Effective assessment

The system has enabled Pelephone to efficiently manage and control processes using knowledge tests, to launch new learning programs, and to manage and track learning. It has also provided the learning department with the flexibility to design new channels and training methods.

The adoption of the new LMS system within a few months by all parties; HR, IT managers & employees alike, amazed us. This proves to us that the Totara provides true value and an intuitive user experience. There are still challenges which we face as the system use expands but the relative speed with which we can now implement learning solutions and the take up in the company shows we are meeting a real need. Learning is critical element in helping the company keep pace in fast moving market.

Nir Tidhar, Director of Training Development and Learning Technologies
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Prepare your people for tomorrow, today.