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Fashion’s Park School of Leadership

Fashion’s Park is a retail chain with national coverage, specialized in clothing for the whole family, with more than 35 years of experience in the Chilean market where the company has managed to understand the needs of its customers and offer them an attractive product proposal. that combine a wide variety of models and affordable prices for the family.

The Challenge

Fashion’s Park currently has had a great expansion of the Chilean market, requiring the review of the strategy and adopting important changes to face the new challenges where the leadership style is key. In this way, People Management has the challenge of enabling change, improving commitment and strengthening the development of workers. Other relevant facts are the high turnover rate, the automation of processes, the explosive increase in e-commerce and the challenges of strengthening its supply chain.

This generated the need to work with a focus on commitment as an enabler of change, train people who take on leadership challenges in knowledge and skills, and encourage adherence to the new culture and identity of the company where leaders play a key role. to achieve your business goals.

The Solution

For Totara partner Digital Learning, understanding the needs and challenges of our clients is essential to deliver high-impact solutions that are connected to their business objectives. For this, forming a multidisciplinary professional team, we set out to deliver a solution to our client Fashion’s Park, not only from the point of view of training but also providing its employees with a space where commitment is strengthened through learning experiences in a platform can feel the importance of their learning process and professional development.

For this, DL and Fashion’s Park jointly decided to create a Leadership Academy that would provide people with learning experiences that go beyond an e-learning course, but also online webinars, TED talks, podcasts, etc. and content in other formats that allow the training of leaders to be approached from different scenarios.

In addition to the above, Digital Learning carried out a consultative process considering the “Fashion’s Park Leadership Seal” and its competencies in order to deliver the most appropriate learning resources for the development of new leaders on a monthly basis.

In order for all of the above to be successful, together with Fashion’s Park, a view was developed for the student who could use these new learning tools.

The Results

 The implementation of the Leadership Academy has had the following results in the first stage of operation:

  • The project took 1 month to be available to the participants.
  • The incorporation of this project strengthened e-learning training in the company, positioning itself as a strategic project of People Management.
  • The percentage of users who are trained in this project and who finish their learning experiences is 75% (national rate is 50% average) and has a goal of reaching 90%.
  • 100% of the company’s store leaders participate (400 people)
  • Up to 30% of time dedicated to the management of learning of leaders is saved from People management.


“ It has had a positive impact on us because we have been able to reach all our branches with leadership tools, which has not allowed us to standardize knowledge..”
Pilar Aburto,
Organizational Development Manager
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Prepare your people for tomorrow, today.