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Deloitte’s Digital Fluency Academy makes employees digitally fluent with Totara Learn

Digital Fluency Academy is a web- and mobile-based learning solution designed to help improve the digital fluency of consultants working with emerging technology. It was designed and built by Deloitte Workforce Transformation, initially for use in-house, and it is also being made available to external clients.

The Challenge

Deloitte’s consultants work at the cutting edge of technology, but it can be a challenge to keep up with all of the emerging terminology and buzzwords.

To combat confusion and improve consistency across the organization, they decided to create their own learning platform, the Digital Fluency Academy, to help everyone at Deloitte get up to speed with some of the biggest trends in technology today, including cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain and digital supply networks, in a standardized, Deloitte-approved way.

The Solution

Deloitte Workforce Transformation is already a Totara Partner, making Totara Learn the obvious choice for this platform.

While the platform was initially designed to be used by Deloitte employees only, it quickly transpired that there was a lot of demand for this type of service outside the organization, and Deloitte decided that it would also be suitable to roll out to external customers.

The flexibility of Totara Learn was a huge benefit to Deloitte, as the nature of the content means that training must constantly be updated and new training materials must be added all the time to keep it relevant and up to date. Totara Learn makes it simple for administrators to go into the platform and update content to ensure that learners always have access to the latest information.

One of the customers using the Digital Fluency Academy had the idea of implementing a ‘digital maturity scan’, whereby users could check their current level of digital literacy.

Deloitte Workforce Transformation is building this functionality directly into the Totara Learn platform. Users take a questionnaire, then they and their manager receive their maturity assessment, and then this information is used in the DFA platform to personalize the learning experience. For instance, if a learner demonstrates good knowledge of Bitcoin but less knowledge of blockchain, the DFA can present them with content to help fill the gaps in their knowledge.

The Digital Fluency Academy was also set up to work with BizQuiz, Deloitte’s mobile app for micro learning. This means that learners can find out more about different technology trends in the academy, and then answer questions about them in the BizQuiz app to reinforce learning.

While this learning is completely optional, the wide range of constantly changing content keeps learners coming back time and time again to stay on top of the latest technology trends. Deloitte promotes the DFA with internal marketing initiatives such as the ‘100% Challenge’, where users are encouraged to score 100% in all available courses. Those who manage it are entered into a lottery to win prizes, keeping them interested and motivated in working through the content.

The Results

The platform is currently used by around 2,100 people, but the flexibility and scalability of Totara Learn means there is ample potential to upscale.

Considering that learning isn’t mandatory, the fact that 80% of Deloitte employees with access to the platform are using it is a testament to the quality of the content and the willingness among employees to learn more. In Germany, the platform attracted over 12,000 visits in just six months, with the average visit duration per user standing at around 13 minutes, demonstrating that people are finding the platform useful.

The 100% Challenge approach is proving highly successful, with around 400 users completing the second challenge – this represents more than 10 hours of content per user, meaning that just one of these challenges led to over 619 minutes of optional learning.

The team behind the Digital Fluency Academy is delighted with the ease with which Totara Learn allows them to productize their learning offering and rebrand it for external customers, and they are confident that this solution will be popular with other organizations looking to improve their digital literacy.

“A very exciting platform with a wide range of current digital topics ” – Nicholas Woo, Senior Product/Project Manager, INNOVATION Management

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