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Buenos Aires Tourism Office’s extended enterprise LMS engages learners from 21 countries

Buenos Aires is a vibrant city filled with passion. Its culture, theaters, activities and countless cultural experiences are shared with over 10 million visitors every year.

The Challenge

The Tourism Office of Buenos Aires came to Kineo with a challenge: they needed to train travel agencies around the world with the knowledge and the tools to efficiently attract more travelers to Buenos Aires.

The learning program also needed to transmit the richness of the city: Prominent hotels, historical and cultural landmarks, local entertainment, outdoor adventures, and many more activities available in a big, vibrant city like Buenos Aires.

An important requirement from the Buenos Aires Tourism Office was the ability to segment reports from travel agencies located around the world. The tool needed to be flexible, responsive and available to international users, accessing from different time zones and in different languages.

The Solution


Kineo partnered with the Buenos Aires Tourism Office, designing and implementing a responsive and online learning solution that can be accessed anywhere, anytime, from any device. To accomplish this, Kineo developed a Totara Learn platform with six modules and interactive e-learning content in Spanish, English and Portuguese, and the possibility of expanding the multilingual reach of the program in the future.

Each module represents a different topic: ‘First steps in the city’, ‘How to move and where to stay’, ‘Things do in the city’, ‘Buenos Aires in one week’, ’24 hours and more’ and ‘Tailored Buenos Aires’.

Learners receive a badge for each completed module, and once all six modules are completed, they earn an official badge of BA Expert that gives them higher prestige as a travel agent.



The interactive and multi-device e-learning content gives the learner the power to decide where, how and when to train themselves. This makes it a flexible tool with a welcoming experience, granting users the freedom to progress at their own pace.

Additionally, the Buenos Aires Tourism Office required a system that allowed them to obtain segment reports from the LMS. Kineo customized the system to allow Buenos Aires Tourism Office to obtain user reports based on location, completed modules, and other key informational data necessary to document individual user progress.

The platform also highlights the latest news and any upcoming events in the city of Buenos Aires. This surpassed the original objectives of having just an e-learning program, evolving the system into an effective tool that travel agencies can consult on a daily basis.

The Results

“This was a great working experience. Since we started our e-learning platform project in 2016, the Kineo team was professional and developed an impeccable solution.”
– Maria Laura Pierini, Tourism Operations L&D Manager, Buenos Aires Tourism Office



The Totara Learn platform and the courses developed exceeded the initial objectives set by the city.With the added functionality of upcoming events and the latest news, it became a valuable tool for the day-to-day operations of partner travel agents, and todate, it has engaged users from 21 countries worldwide, making this a truly global extended enterprise LMS.

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