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Accept uses Totara Learn to deliver learning to multiple customer audiences simultaneously

Accept designs and offers training programmes for global organisations, primarily focusing on leadership and sales training. They were founded in 1994, and to date, they have trained over 20,000 managers and salespeople across Europe.

The Challenge

For Accept, a major challenge is that their customers have not yet taken the step to start using an LMS. Many clients – even large global businesses – are still making do with their HR systems, which are not fit for purpose, and Accept believes that these customers are losing out on a lot of potential by not using an LMS.

Therefore, Accept delivers much of its training through its own customer training LMS and software, ensuring different training can be distributed to multiple customers. This platform is used to distribute training schedules and e-learning for clients without their own platforms.

The Solution

Accept uses Totara Learn to set up each of its customers in the LMS as a separate audience. This ensures that each customer is able to keep its content confidential and secure, and learners from each brand can log in via their own branded screen.

For their various clients, Accept offers a wide range of content, including e-learning, virtual classrooms, webcasts and downloadable resources. This is all designed to be easy to find and access for a more user-friendly experience than with their previous LMS.



Accept were particularly interested in making sure the LMS was accessible for participants who may not have been familiar with learning platforms. Aleido designed the platform to be as simple as possible, meaning that Accept can just provide a link to the LMS and login details, with no further direction required to reduce the strain on learning administrators.

One of the key priorities for Accept was that it needed to be easy to register new learners from multiple client organisations on the system, and Aleido helped set Totara Learn up to make this as straightforward as possible. This allows Accept to use the platform to register users, distribute content and follow up with learners with minimal effort.


The Results

For Accept, the biggest compliment is when their customers decide to obtain their own Totara platforms. For instance, international vehicle manufacturer Kia chose to move from Accept’s Totara Learn to a standalone platform by Aleido as a result of their great experience with Accept’s solution.

There are currently around 1,000 users registered in Accept’s Totara Learn platform, with 250 active users divided between 10-15 clients. In time, more of these may decide to move onto their own Totara platforms.

As well as this, Accept is delighted with their relationship with Aleido. They often bring them along to their client meetings and vice versa, proving that a strong relationship with a Totara Partner can bring great value to all parties involved.



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