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Totara Recipe: How to improve mandatory compliance take-up - Totara Learning
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Totara Recipe: How to improve mandatory compliance take-up

It can be a nightmare ensuring that your employees are up to date with their compliance training. Poor take-up can be down to inconvenience, time constraints, irrelevant or poorly delivered modules, and even lack of interest.

Following this recipe should help to improve your organisation’s mandatory compliance statistics, which should afford you a greater peace of mind.

  • Flexible and scalable LMS
  • Instructional designer
  • Compliance officer
  • Reference materials on managing risks

Carry out a risk assessment to understand, identify and manage risks within your organisation. Publish policies for handling these risks. Send out a survey to the workforce to ascertain current compliance knowledge.

  • Create compliance modules detailing risks specific for each team or job role. These can include employee health & safety, environmental, regulatory and e-safety.
  • Add video or storyboard real-life scenarios for more effective immersion. This allows employees to use skills and knowledge quickly.
  • Branching scenarios allow learners to make decisions and see the impact of their choices.
  • Make the modules engaging by including interactive elements such as quizzes and surveys.
  • To motivate the learner, add gamification components such as leaderboards, badges and rewards.
  • Where appropriate, require online assessment.
  • Set up tracking to show an employee’s progress.
  • Schedule reminders when it’s time to refresh a module.
Serve and enjoy!

By making compliance training relevant and engaging, more employees should take up the modules, particularly when automatic reminders let them know when more learning is required.


Download the compliance recipe

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