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Lessons from Aleido’s Customer Forum 2020 – a new landscape for learning - Totara Learning
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Lessons from Aleido’s Customer Forum 2020 – a new landscape for learning

In early March 2020, Aleido hosted a vibrant customer event for more than 100 attendees in Stockholm. The focus of the day was “A New Landscape for Learning”, looking into the changes and innovations that are likely to influence workplace learning during the new decade.

On stage, the attendees got to listen to leading and highly regarded speakers from various countries. Lori Niles-Hofmann (Canada) talked about “Digital Transformation – Beyond the Technology,” while Pia Stider (Sweden) talked about “What does a digitized working life (and life!) mean from an HR perspective?”

And, related to learning technologies, Svein-Tore Griff With (H5P/Joubel in Norway) talked about The Future of H5P, while Ben Betts talked about how learning experience platforms can help us move to a culture of self-directed learning. In addition, Donald Taylor (UK) presented the results of his Global Sentiment Survey, with the addition of data regarding L&D in Sweden.

During the breaks, the attendees were able to learn more about Aleido’s offering. The upcoming release from Totara, with Totara Learn 13 as well as Totara Perform and Engage, generated a lot of interest.

Attendees could also learn more from client cases, such as how the telecommunications company 3 uses Totara Learn for an efficient pre-onboarding and onboarding process. Another customer case was IfA (Intresseföreningen för assistansberättigade), who presented how they provide e-learning via Totara Learn, with important requirements related to accessibility.

At the end of the day, a panel consisting of Lori Niles-Hofmann, Ben Betts and Lars Hyland (Totara Learning, UK) and Linda Öberg (Aleido, Sweden) wrapped it all up.

Couldn’t make it to Aleido’s customer event?

Watch the recorded presentations or take a look at the presentation slides here.

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