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How Indeed embraced Totara's Four Freedoms - Totara Learning
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How Indeed embraced Totara’s Four Freedoms

At Totara, we strongly believe in giving our subscribers the freedom to create a learning platform that meets their needs without compromise. Unfortunately, with proprietary systems, you have no say over the roadmap, you often can’t customise the platform to your own specifications and you will probably end up working around the limitations of the LMS instead of the LMS working around you. We recently spoke to Totara subscriber Indeed, who worked with Remote-Learner to create their own custom Totara Learn solution, and we found out how switching from a proprietary LMS to an open source solution, with the support of their partner, gave them the freedom to learn.

Freedom to innovate

With their old proprietary Docebo system, Indeed were restricted by the features and functionality currently available within the system. If the system didn’t have the features they needed at the time, they had to grapple with complex workarounds to achieve the desired result, and this resulted in a cumbersome, overly complicated LMS that required a lot of extra work to customise and manage. They had no influence over the product roadmap, and so they were often left without the features they needed. By moving to Totara Learn, Indeed can now take a much more dynamic, agile approach to feature development. The great working relationship between Indeed and Remote-Learner is enhanced by their shared value and passion for designing the best user experience possible, and when combined with the support of the Totara team, everyone has the freedom to innovate.

Freedom to save

Did you know that Totara Learn  can help organisations save up to 80% on the total cost of ownership of proprietary learning management systems? Indeed found that they were paying for a platform that failed to meet their needs, and they also had to pay for additional development costs on top of this. By switching to Totara Learn, they have the freedom to save by investing their training budget where it counts – on creating and optimising great learning programmes for their 6,000 employees globally.

Freedom of choice

Indeed often struggled to tailor their proprietary system to their exact requirements, finding that they didn’t have the control they needed over the LMS. The power was out of their hands. With Totara Learn, they can simply scope out new features with the team at Remote-Learner, whenever they want to try something new, and they have the added benefit of Remote-Learner’s expertise to help them decide on the best course of action. And because their solution is open source, they’re not limited by Totara Learn’s roadmap – if they want something now, they can do that. The freedom of choice lets them move at their own pace and tailor the solution to their exact requirements.

Freedom to learn

Ultimately, Indeed’s L&D teams are dedicated to delivering high-quality content to their learners across the organisation. With Totara Learn, and the collaborative support and expertise of the Remote-Learner team, they can create targeted learning programmes for different job roles and audiences and make them feel like the content is speaking to them directly. With more automated processes and a platform that fits seamlessly into the Indeed brand and company culture, everyone wins – without the constraints of proprietary software, everyone has the freedom to learn.

Off to ATD 2018 and want to find out more about how Totara Learn gives the world’s leading job site the freedom to learn? Indeed’s Learning Experience Technologist Melissa Garber and Remote-Learner’s President Page Chen will be joining a session with Totara CEO Richard Wyles and Sandler Training’s Mike Montague on 9th May to talk about the project in more detail. Be sure to add the session to your showplan so you don’t miss out.

Can’t make it to ATD 2018? Not to worry – the full case study is available here.

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