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8 ways Totara can support on-the-job training - Totara Learning
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8 ways Totara can support on-the-job training

instructor teaches trainee how to use an angle grinder

On the Job Learning (OJL) is learning that allows frontline workers the opportunity to develop competencies and skills needed for their job. Often OJL happens in real time in the workplace with the assistance of mentors, supervisors and trainers.

Totara Talent Experience Platform (TXP) offers a robust toolset that is uniquely suited to support On the Job Learning.  In this article we will cover eight ways Totara can support OJL in your organization.

Use Case #1 Multi-Step Training

Often OJL involves multi-step training processes. It may involve acknowledgements of policies and procedures, online safety training (often in the form of a video and quiz), and a live performance assessment of a skill.

The Totara Pathways Course Format makes it easy for the learner to see where they are in the process in a multi-step training path.

Totara pathways

Tracking acknowledgements that learners have read, understand and agree to policies and procedures in your LMS allows training records to be gathered in one place and makes for easier reporting.
Totara acknowledgements
The Totara Seminar tool makes it easy to schedule, sign-up for and track attendance of performance assessments.
Totara seminar tool

Use Case #2 Procedure Training with a Demonstration 


In this type of training the trainer and the employee meet and read through a procedure together. Next the trainer shows the employee how to do the task in a live job setting. When ready, the employee demonstrates their ability to do the task on their own. The trainer gives feedback to the employee.  This process is repeated until the employee can correctly do the procedure on their own. When the trainer is satisfied that the employee can do the task, the employee and trainer sign off on the task.

Totara Perform which is part of the Totara TXP gives you the tool set to build these types of workflows. The advantage of having an integrated system of a LMS and Performance Management System is that all of your OJL records are in one place.

Here is a sample workflow built in Totara Perform:

Step 1: Trainer and employee meet and read procedure together

Step 2: the trainer shows the employee how to do the task

Step 3: The employee shows the trainer how to do the task in the field
Step 4: Trainer is satisfied and signs off
Totara OJT sign off

Use Case #3 Teaching a Large Complex Procedure

Procedures in the workplace can often be very large, multi-section and considered to be too much to cover in a single session, day or even week.  Totara TXP has a robust and flexible toolset  to support this type of learning.

Totara Programs break training down into microlearning and help the learner gain skills in manageable chunks.

OJT learning assignment breakdown

Use Case #4  Ready Made Content Library

Totara has a robust content marketplace with thousands of ready-made courses in a variety of industries including Construction, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Energy, and OSHA certification courses. Contact us today to find out more about what courses are available.


Totara compliance courses

Use Case #5 Multiple People Attending an In Person Course

The Totara Seminar tool allows you to easily track attendance for multiple people attending in-person courses. Attendance can be tied to the learner’s record of learning or tied to specific competencies or a learning pathway that a learner needs to complete.

Use Case #6 Competency Testing

Totara has a number of tools that can be used to track competencies.  For example, you could test competencies via interactive quiz questions such as the following:

Competency testing

Totara also has built-in assessment tools such as rubrics and checklists which can be used in live performance assessments.


Checklists in Totara

Use Case #7 Learning Pathways

Totara uses dynamic audiences that utilizes information from a user’s profile to assign applicable learning to user’s based on certain criteria or rules that you set. 

For example, you may want all new hires to be assigned some general New Hire Orientation courses. The system can detect new hires and automatically assign the new hire training to them. 

After this is complete, users may be assigned learning that specifically relates to their job. The system can look in their profile and automatically assign the correct training path.

Job competencies can also be assigned to individuals dynamically.  Each learner has a competency profile that shows their current progress on assigned competencies.  Competencies can have achievement paths or different ways that they can demonstrate mastery of these competencies.  Totara also allows competencies and skills to be monitored at an organizational level – providing a bird’s eye view for a safety protocol manager or compliance officer to see which skills employees have today, what they need for the future, and to monitor progress over time. 

Competency profile

Use Case #8 Just in Time Learning

Totara Engage can be used to house and quickly access the latest versions of your S.O.P.s (Standard Operating Procedures) so they are easy to find anytime a learner needs them.


Standard Operating Procedures.

Totara’s mobile app allows learning anytime, anywhere. Learners can even access SCORM training offline and upload their work when they have Internet access.

So if a worker is waiting for a part or a machine to be fixed, they can use the time to continue their learning.

Want to learn more?  Schedule a time to meet with one of our On the job learning consultants to discuss your organization’s unique needs. 

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