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Talent Experience Explained

Putting human potential at the heart of the workplace

We’re in a world of high employee turnover and shifting approaches to work. The costs of retaining talent are rising, but the cost of not retaining talent is higher still.

Talent experience looks at workplaces as an opportunity for supportive career journeys, aided by technology, that benefit both employees and organizations. Attracting, motivating, and upskilling people leads to great collaborative teams who outperform. This is good for everyone.

Talent experience at work

The everyday flow of work becomes a cycle of communication, collaboration and improvement that delivers productivity and performance.
Build the right talent experience for your organization

Learning and development

Engagement and collaboration

Performance management & continuous feedback

Managed together, you can shape an intentional learning culture.

The right training at the right time

Connect people to solve problems and innovate

Ensure everyone is aligned and focused

To build and manage the perfect talent experience for your organization requires an integrated technology platform with all the tools you need in one place.

Customer Story

When Mitchells & Butlers, the umbrella brand for over 1,700 pubs, cultivated a Talent Experience using the Totara platform, it immediately improved engagement, performance and business outcomes. Compliance rates reached 89% and food quality scores increased by 5% across the board.

Trusted globally at every scale

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