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How Action Learning Drives Teams, Talent & Business Impact - Totara Learning
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How Action Learning Drives Teams, Talent & Business Impact

Join Totara & Brandon Hall to discuss how Action Learning drives teams, talent and business impact

Employers face daunting challenges. Brandon Hall Group research shows that

  • Employee turnover is surging
  • Teams are increasingly important but difficult to develop and leverage
  • Talent mobility, upskilling, leadership and career development also need urgent attention.

How can organizations possibly address all this while meeting critical business needs in a disruptive environment?Action learning, where colleagues work and learn together in teams while tackling business-critical projects, is an underutilized secret weapon that:

  • Works on real business challenges in real-time
  • Increases personal and organizational capacity
  • Links learning to performance and business objectives
  • Develops effective cross-functional teams

 The team development aspect of action learning is especially compelling. More than 75% of employers complete at least half of their work through teams, Brandon Hall Group research shows, yet only 37% of employers say they effectively develop teams.Join us for a webinar on Thursday 14 April at 4pm London/11am New York, when Lars Hyland, EMEA Managing Director at Totara Learning, and Claude Werder, Senior VP and Principal HCM Analyst at Brandon Hall Group, will reveal through customer success stories how you can leverage action learning to achieve

  • Immersive, peer-to-peer learning
  • Individual and team development — simultaneously
  • Immediate business impact


Lars Hyland
Managing Director, EMEA – Totara LearningLars Hyland is a well-known figure in the HR and workplace learning community, who believes adaptable and flexible technology forms the foundation for the new world of work. Lars is an expert in the field of Talent Experience, that brings together learning, engagement and performance management practices to drive employee satisfaction and productivity.

Claude Werder
Senior VP & Analyst at Brandon HallClaude Werder runs Brandon Hall Group’s Talent Management Practice, focusing on solving corporate’s challenges in developing and retaining talent. He takes a strategic, unified approach, with a keen eye on leveraging technology to drive efficiencies that enable leaders to better engage employees and drive performance. He conducts research that focuses on developing new insights and solutions to help members and clients make talent development a competitive business advantage.