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Vanbreda train all staff members with a digital fit programme

To drive their digitisation strategy, insurance company Vanbreda Risk & Benefits created its own learning platform: Vanbreda Academy.

They asked Neo to develop an innovative e-learning programme to make their employees Digital Fit. Thanks to this programme, the company was able to optimise its internal procedures and communicates smoothly with insurance brokers and customers. This earned the project a Xylos Inspire Award, a prize awarded by Xylos’ clients.

The Solution 

Custom-made training

Digitisation is quickly gaining traction in the insurance industry. At Vanbreda Risk & Benefits, staff are learning to use new tools, customers are taking care of their insurance business through apps and online services, and social media bring the insurer and their customers together. To manage everything, Europe has implemented new rules determining the rights of digital users.

“This year, we want to fully embrace the Digital Fit concept”, says Els Van Hoeck, HR Director at Vanbreda Risk & Benefits. “That’s why we’ve given our staff the means to grow with the company and get the most out of digital innovation.” And Neo was the ideal partner for the job.


Users set the pace 

The experts at Vanbreda Risk & Benefits teamed up with Neo to identify the most important topics. The plethora of digital tools, apps and online services was the most challenging aspect; instead of all-encompassing e-learning, the team opted for a programme with several short training sessions. This made it possible to adapt the style and content of each module to the subject at hand.

Neo developed several short tutorials and animated videos with useful tips and tricks about apps, online services and social media. During scenario-based e-learnings, users are presented with realistic situations involving complex topics, such as secure data management and GDPR.

The Results

“Thanks to the combination of short trainings and interactive quizzes, our colleagues can discover the complete offer at their own pace”, Els Van Hoeck says.

Because the e-learning programme is available through the Totara platform, employees can access the materials whenever they need them. They just need to log in to the portal to refresh their memory.

“Opting for digital learning methods fits seamlessly into Vanbreda Risk & Benefits’ goal to make all employees Digital Fit. The first reactions have been extremely positive: our users think the videos and tutorials are very helpful.”

Els Van Hoeck, HR Director at Vanbreda Risk & Benefits

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