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Top Line Talent's learning moves online to cut trainers' travel time and reach a wider audience

Top Line Talent is a provider of advanced sales training based in Chicago. It is the only 100% online programme designed to coach consultative selling skills to experienced salespeople.

The Challenge

Top Line Talent provides sales consultant training to salespeople on a global scale. Most of the sale training was delivered by travelling to meet clients for face-to-face seminars and holding conferences with a large audience. These were often in geographically dispersed locations, meaning a lot of time and money was spent on these events.

The constant travelling was becoming tiring, and Top Line Talent needed a new solution to enable them to deliver training more efficiently. They were interested in the possibility of recording videos of themselves giving these seminars to enable them to be delivered remotely, anytime – and as well as this, they were interested in building blended programmes with other types of hands-on learning, including journals, surveys and quizzes.

The Solution

With these plans for a new, remotely delivered programme, Top Line Talent approached Technology Transfer. Technology Transfer recommended Totara Learn as the most appropriate learning management system (LMS) for Top Line Talent’s needs, and suggested ways for them to incorporate all the content they needed for their blended programme within the platform.


While Top Line Talent provided all the content, Technology Transfer were responsible for setting up and implementing Totara Learn, including designing the look and feel and setting up the self-enrolment process and delivery methods. Technology Transfer also got Top Line Talent started with Totara Learn’s journal and quiz features to enable them to include more interactive elements in their courses, as well as ensuring their video content was as engaging and easy to access as possible.

A unique element of this solution was the use of the journal functionality within Totara Learn. Users are invited to enter their own responses to questions throughout the programme, which are pulled into a personalised eBook at the end of the course. This then gives them a takeaway resource to allow them to reflect on their responses and to act as refresher material for future learning opportunities.

 Totara Learn was the platform of choice for Technology Transfer’s solution because it’s quick and easy to create new programmes on the fly, it’s intuitive and it’s a very user-friendly tool. Top Line Talent also liked the fact that enrolment could be set up based on the learner’s position, and Totara Learn allows them to limit how long people are enrolled for to help them manage the course administration.

Top Line Talent is hands down one of the best sales training programs I have ever been through. This program sets the bar as the superior sales methodology! I was skeptical at first because it was self-paced, online and over the course of 3-4 months versus actually going through a face to face course. However, after going through the program, I highly recommend this based on the scientific and retention aspects alone. This program clearly outlines how personality type fits into the overall consultative sales process and why this is so imperative for an effective sales organization. The psychological aspect of this program alone is something that is clearly lacking in other sales training programs. Dr. Watts is brilliant and anyone who has anything to do with sales is missing out by not working with him! – Michelle Oldham, Managing Director, Business Development and Strategy

The Results

The LMS is currently in its early stages, with around 100 users currently making use of the system. However, feedback has been very positive, and moving the content online has enabled Top Line Talent to drastically reduce their travel requirements, saving time and money.

Based on surveys about how much users have enjoyed the programme so far, learners have found the LMS very easy to use and have encountered no technical issues. Top Line Talent also particularly likes the live logs, which enable them to monitor site activity, and the custom reporting interface set up by Technology Transfer gives them a better insight into progress and performance.

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