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OTR replaced face-to-face training with a high-impact LMS - Totara Learning
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OTR replaced face-to-face training with a high-impact LMS

OTR is Australia’s leading 24/7 convenience chain. OTR offers supermarket deals, barista-made coffee, refreshments, HappyWash and fuel, on-the-run. Global fast-food brands like Guzman y Gomez and Krispy Kreme give OTR a point of difference for high quality on-the-go sustenance.

The Challenge

Early in 2019, OTR’s business leadership undertook an extensive ERP project and realized that classroom training was an unsustainable approach for OTR’s growth plans. A single location had been utilized for all OTR training to serve outlets across Australia. The COVID-19 pandemic was starting to challenge the workplace, and digital alternatives became necessary for business continuity.OTR sought an LMS provider to build a digital learning offering. Kineo was selected as the preferred partner to help meet OTR’s business case with Totara Learn as the ideal tool for the job.Totara had the smarts and more to cater for OTR’s immediate requirements and far beyond. Introducing online learning to the business was the first step. Also, OTR needed to support new starters with intensive onboarding in the initial phase of their new employment. Both off-the-shelf and custom courses developed in-house needed to be deployed on the LMS.

The Solutio

The timeframe of this LMS implementation was short, with a three-week delivery due to the rising challenges presented by COVID-19.Off-the-shelf learning from the Kineo Courses library content was uploaded, and custom titles created by OTR using the Course Builder feature to meet specific training needs.Totara was quick to deploy, and OTR launched at an OTR Learning convention “huddle” with all store managers across a day of presentations on how Totara would deliver, along with small course demonstrations. Only the essentials were launched in this time.An initial 12-month subscription to the Kineo learning platform implementing Totara 13 with Learn for 5,000 users including licenses, hosting and support was set up with the project staggered across OTR’s key LMS milestones:

  • Phase 1 – Engaging compliance
  • Phase 2 – Measuring impact and growing people
  • Phase 3 – Integration and AI recommendations

The LMS provides a solution whereby not only can training be undertaken and measured, but also crucial notices can be shared across the entire business immediately. The LMS has been vital in ensuring operations across all outlets with ongoing changes to government directives.As part of the LMS integration, COVID marshals were appointed across all retail outlets, spanning a network of 215 stores. The training and public notices from SA Health were successfully applied to all retail outlets within three days. This was made possible with Totara Learn.Online learning topics in OTR Learning incorporate both skills-based and compliance training. As the industry is regulated, retail outlet worker training covers topics such as the safe management of hazardous chemicals, manual handling, gambling and tobacco.Compliance on single sign-on, privacy in the workplace and modern slavery are incorporated to meet learner requirements in OTR’s corporate head office.Totara’s open LMS has been leveraged to implement:

  • A carousel to display upcoming courses and a one-stop business knowledge base
  • Customized badges to mark course completions and encourage learners to share their achievements

Content from third parties via Totara’s SCORM package is easy and quick to use.Automated reports have been set up for all business units across a variety of roles. This has resulted in the dramatic reduction of administrative costs.

The Results

“A fantastic solution that came to fruition quickly.”- Brady Hann, Corporate HR Manager, OTR

  • Since launch in May 2019, there have been 83,724 course completions.  Of these, 2,876 individuals have provided course reviews
  • The “Introduction to OTR Learning” is the most popular course that has been rated 8.3 out of 10 stars
  • Over 5,000 users are registered on OTR Learning
  • Over 50 courses are available with a variety of training topics
  • Learners actively seek out optional learning content, which is a great measure of success
  • Modern learning design and delivering what learners want is important – microlearning is an ongoing focus for on-the-job training, along with gamificatio and scenario-based learning that utilizes both videos and animations
  • Senior leadership had traditional views, favoring classroom-based learning, yet an online system has not only made it possible to learn anywhere, anytime, but it has also been able to report vital business data, making it possible to improve processes, become more efficient and distribute vital communications across the business at times of need
  • OTR’s sister company, Smokemart & Gift Box (SMGB) saw the success of OTR Learning, and in 2021, implemented an identical Totara Learn solution (v12) for their learning and business requirements covering 200 stores across Australia

Just some of the positive feedback from OTR employees includes:

“The simple set up of presenting information interspersed with little quizzes to make sure the information is being absorbed is effective.” – Webber

“Graphics and animations kept me engaged the whole time.” – Abaunza

“Employees can improve their skills and profile by enrolling into the courses, which in turn boosts their confidence to do better in the workplace.” – Paili

“For me, I like the badges the most. It shows how much effort an employee has put in.” – Zhu

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