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Leveraging learning technology to streamline the formal accreditation of HVACR technicians in the USA provides online training and development opportunities to technicians globally. They are a world leader in providing online training to technicians with key customers such as Comfort Systems USA, Inc. and Fujitsu General.

The LMS is the campus, so it is therefore essential to ensure the campus is built on technology that is reliable, flexible and easy to use. chose to use both Totara Learn and Moodle to ensure its customers have an excellent experience while delivering a quality educational experience.

The Challenge is a virtual education provider with students located globally. Students come to HVACRedu for a range of educational needs from very specific training courses to conducting formal qualifications such as the NATE-Certified HVAC Technician. All courses are provided anytime, anywhere in a truly flexible fashion (with the exception of virtual classes.) business relied on excellent technical services, though they realized there was a gap here in 2016. needed a supplier that would be a true partner in the delivery of an excellent customer learning experience. They wanted a partner who would take the time to understand their business and not only react to their needs but add value.

After an extensive review of the market choose to partner with Enovation. This decision was made based on Enovation’s customer service focus and unparalleled technical expertise giving the flexibility to define educational delivery platforms around their programs.

The Solution

Enovation worked with to create a number of educational delivery platforms based on Totara Learn and Moodle.

A Totara-based platform was created for Comfort Systems to allow all Comfort Systems technicians to proceed with ease through a formal, blended accreditation program. Working with Enovation, was able to automate much of the non-value-add administrative work associated with these programs and also improved the customer experience as students were pushed through the program automatically and instantaneously.

The Totara Learn solution worked seamlessly alongside a Moodle-based platform for Fujitsu General, highlighting the freedom to innovate that organizations get with a flexible, open learning management system.

The Results continues go from strength to strength. The company does not need to worry about its technical infrastructure at all safe in the knowledge that they have a technical partner that they can rely on. This allows to concentrate on the educational offering and building the business. and Enovation are now working together to explore other industries, which is a testimony to the strength of the partnership.

We are delighted to be working with Enovation. The team at Enovation have a deep expertise in learning technology and how to apply it. With Enovation as our technical partner we are very confident about the future of our business.– Chris Compton, CEO,

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