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Grupo Promass trains 100% of new employees with their accessible LMS

Grupo Promass is a white-label broker that designs insurance services for the entire population in an accessible way. It has approximately 800 executives, who give advice and have a presence in each of their business partners’ locations across Mexico, supporting and advising clients on the purchase of the insurance services.

The Challenge

The biggest challenge faced by Grupo Promass was that its employees were in various locations throughout the Mexican Republic – some of them in places with difficult transportation services.The workers required specialized training on all the services offered, but training was limited to a five-day instructor-led training program. Grupo Promass had only two instructors available, and the costs of travel were very high.This capacity constraint had logistic and personnel turnover consequences, leading to loss of productivity and less than optimal results.Grupo Promass took the decision to embark in an innovative digital learning endeavor that would help reduce costs, improve results and reduce turnover.

The Solutio

 Grupo Promass chose to work with Aura Interactiva to implement Totara Learn as a primary training solution for the organization.A new way of learning was adopted by the Grupo Promass, with specific courses and programs designed for optimal product knowledge through continuous learning.  Training programs were implemented to reach all new employees simultaneously and to maintain timely control and monitoring of progress.The various activities within the courses have enabled Grupo Promass to explore different didactic strategies, thus allowing the generation of playful content, which drives them more and more to make use of incentives such as badges.The reporting that Totara has provided so far has been useful for decision making, combined with the profiling of users has allowed Grupo Promass to have a much more accurate view of the advances in continuous training. 

The Results

During the first year of implementation, Grupo Promass reached 85% of newly hired personnel.From the second year onwards, 100% of newly hired employees and 97% of existing employees are trained by taking advantage of asynchronous content. This also allowed for the continuous acquisition of new knowledge and having employees updated in programs and new products. This led to a significant decrease in staff turnover.Grupo Promass benefited from dramatic savings in face-to-face training processes, allowing the training team to invest their time in more strategic and valuable actions for the organization.Without a doubt, Grupo Promass’ greatest achievement has been the strengthening of the staff, providing them with useful and centralized learning tools that help them in their daily work of customer satisfaction.

“Today in this digital age, Totara allows us to acquire all knowledge in an agile, simple, orderly, innovative way, this helps us to make better decisions. We evolved to have knowledge at everyone’s reach.”- Sara Carrillo MacĂ­as, Training and Development, Grupo Promass

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