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Gamify learning in “Farmacias Cruz Verde”

Farmacias Cruz Verde is the leading pharmacy chain in Chile, with more than 30 years in the market. It has more than 700 stores and 6,300 workers in Chile, reaching isolated areas such as Easter Island and Cerro Sombrero. It even has mobile pharmacies to provide access and coverage of medicines in remote areas of the north and south of Chile.

Since January 2015, it has been part of FEMSA Comercio, which in turn is part of the FEMSA Group -Fomento Económico Mexicano-, a leading conglomerate in various sectors in Latin America and other geographies.

The Challenge

During the last 9 years, Totara partner Digital Learning has been the training partner of Farmacias Cruz Verde, and one of the main services offered has been the implementation of its Corporate Academy on the Totara LMS platform. Cruz Verde, as an organization committed to the continuous training of its collaborators, sought to encourage its workers to constantly train, and in this way keep them updated and enrich their professional development, therefore it decided to gamify the training and reward those who constantly They want to improve their skills. This new challenge raised many questions and challenges, such as coin management, prize tracking, prize delivery, among others.

In summary, the challenge that Digital Learning assumed with Farmacias Cruz Verde was how to integrate gamificatio into its training strategy, which required an innovative and creative approach in the management of Totara’s LMS platform. This approach allowed Cruz Verde to increase the commitment of its employees to training, strengthen their professional development and improve the quality of their services.

The Solution

At Digital Learning we love challenges! For this reason, when our client Farmacias Cruz Verde asked us about the need to gamify their learning platform, we got down to work. We knew that we had to find a creative and effective solution to encourage workers to take courses and constantly train. For this reason, we focus on gamification, a tool that has become a trend to motivate and engage users in learning.

To carry out the project, we focused on the LMS Totara platform, which offered us a complete solution for the learning experience, with the ability to integrate with other service providers. That is how we met Motrain, who gave us their experience in gamification for other clients.

In the first stage, together with our client, we established the behaviours to award coins and defined the courses that would award coins and how many. The period for awarding coins and the moment in which the prizes would begin to be redeemed were also set. In the second stage, we focused on the redemption centre, using the Motrain rewards store to manage the rewards inventory and allow workers to choose their reward redemptions and when they want to earn them.

At Digital Learning we are proud to have developed this solution for Farmacias Cruz Verde, and we hope that they continue to encourage their workers through gamification. We are sure that the learning experience has become much more exciting and motivating!

The Results

The implementation of the gamification system in Totara, with the help of Motrain, allowed Farmacias Cruz Verde to reach a participation rate of 63% of its workers, which means that at least 4,801 workers completed at least one course and accumulated coins to redeem for rewards. The online rewards store turned out to be a key solution for the success of the project, allowing workers to select their rewards autonomously and reducing the workload and responsibility of the training staff.

The process of adding new courses to gamification is easy and fast, taking just a few days to create the dynamic audiences and less than an hour to make the courses available for your points consumption. In addition, the online rewards store has simplified the redemption process for workers, allowing faster download of gift cards for third-party vendors.

Digital Learning’s gamification solution achieved its goal of increasing the participation rate of Cruz Verde workers in training, and also improved efficiency and user experience by simplifying the rewards redemption process. With the help of Totara and Motrain, Farmacias Cruz Verde was able to implement a complete learning experience platform and offer an innovative and attractive way to motivate its workers to train and grow in their professional career.


“When this gamification system did not exist, only the vendors and store managers participated. Then it was extended to us (the hall attendants). Of course, I was entertained, especially with the videos and the awards. And obviously, for me, the objective of covering a lot of diverse content with entertainment was met.”
Luis Rivera,
Assistant Cruz Verde Pharmacies, Temuco
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