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Ergo Insurance rolls out self service training portal tailored for staff and intermediaries - Totara Learning
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Ergo Insurance rolls out self service training portal tailored for staff and intermediaries

ERGO Insurance NV is the Benelux subsidiary of ERGO Insurance Group AG, one of the largest European insurance groups. They were looking for a new and efficient Learning Management System to provide and manage new ways of learning for various target audience groups.

The Challenge

The LMS needed to enable ERGO to organize and manage training in various formats, both offline and online, and for different target groups: independent brokers (ERGO Life), exclusive agents (ERGO Pro) and collaborators in the ERGO headquarters.Depending on the situation , ERGO wanted to be able to choose between face-to-face training, synchronous learning and asynchronous learning.

The LMS needed to be user-friendly and engaging, so that users would really engage with the system themselves instead of relying on training managers and HR to inform them of what was available. They wanted learners to be able to self subscribe to relevant learning.The ERGO trainers needed to be able to easily create and distribute content themselves, such as printed versions of training, videos for web learning, PowerPoint presentations, etc.

The LMS needed to track statistics of the trainings and their users and meet regulatory reporting obligations. FSMA, the Belgian Financial Regulator  requires that intermediaries in the insurance and financial sector need to obtain a specific number of education points. The ERGO LMS needed to keep track of these FSMA points and users also needed to have access to these data.

The Solution

Vision by Deloitte provided a full-service solution based on Totara Learn (LMS) — which they distribute under the name Enforce — in combination with an Adobe Connect module. This gave ERGO all the functionalities of a state-of-the-art LMS combined with the ability to give live virtual video sessions and/or distribute recorded video lessons.

Vision by Deloitte hereby focused on user-friendliness, accessibility and tracking features.

  • The LMS homepage was designed as a dashboard, providing easy access to the training catalog, the user’s calendar, the user’s FSMA points, etc.
  • The training catalog has an extensive search function with an integrated subscription process: if a classroom training is linked to an e-learning course, subscription to both trainings occurs in one go.

Vision by Deloitte also provided Totara LMS training and support for the ERGO training managers and trainers.

We were obliged to train all our existing, commercial employees in a relatively short time period, as well as change the entire way new collaborators are trained to start in our company. To achieve this goal, we required a new tool to quickly distribute new content, keep track of the training histories of our collaborators and  offer a wider range of trainings altogether, both ‘live’ and ‘on demand’. After comparing the different LMS solutions on the present market, we selected Totara based on our functional and technical requirements.

Ward Belet, Trainer and Project Leader of ERGO Academy Training Portal

Within just a month of the Totara implementation, ERGO was already seeing results that showed that they were well on track to meet the set objectives:

  • Increase in uptake: One month after the implementation, half of the ERGO users already accessed the new Totara LMS on a regular basis. This was a massive improvement over the very low usage of  the previous LMS.
  • Access for all audiences: The majority of the users immediately access the training catalog after logging on to know which trainings are available and to subscribe to trainings, which was one of ERGO’s main objectives.
  • Self service for compliance: users access the platform to check for themselves the FSMA points that they have obtained.


“This platform offers manifold possibilities, yet is at the same time easy to adapt, especially the reporting module offers many interesting possibilities and uses. Everyone involved, including administrators, editing trainers and end users, find Totara the ideal tool to organize and manage in-company-trainings in the 21st century.”

Ward Belet, Trainer and Project Leader of ERGO Academy Training Portal

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