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Edwards Mediation Academy saves significant time and money by training global mediators online - Totara Learning
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Edwards Mediation Academy saves significant time and money by training global mediators online

Edwards Mediation Academy (EMA) provides online mediation skills courses to lawyers and judges in the United States and internationally who might not otherwise have access to high-caliber training from experienced mediation experts. EMA’s program aims to raise the overall practical experience of people in the mediation industry. Their interactive online courses are taught by recognized experts and pioneers in the mediation field.

The Challenge

As Edwards Mediation Academy knows well, mediation results in quicker and more effective resolution of disputes outside the traditional court system, while at the same time allowing for greater participation and satisfaction by the parties in conflict.Since mediation is more art than science, it is incredibly challenging to mediate well without instruction and guidance from those with deep experience.Unfortunately, there are few skilled mediators from which to learn in many emerging mediation markets. Bringing instructors in from overseas for a 40-hour course is both expensive and impractical. Observing a mediator in action is even more challenging – but without this experiential learning, it is difficult to understand and make the moment-to-moment decisions required of an effective and successful mediator. 

The Solutio

Edwards Mediation Academy chose Totara Learn as the LMS to support their program, with Totara Partner eClass4learning hosting, designing and assisting with day-to-day technical support and affiliate program planning for the LMS.  Edwards Mediation Academy has developed hybrid affiliate programs to train lawyers and judges around the world in mediation skills. To date, Edwards Mediation Academy has affiliate programs in India, Rwanda, Zambia, Ukraine, Greece, the Republic of Georgia, Mexico and Bulgaria. Much like the flipped classroom concept, the initial portion of the training is self-paced and allows the participants to not only learn the skills and techniques before the live discussion, but also to observe them in action and witness their impact on the mediation itself. Some of the courses have been translated into other languages.  The second part of the training is done in person with local affiliate partners, trained by Bruce Edwards and EMA, who help localize the training for the specific country and legal system and facilitate reflective discussion and role play. In addition to the affiliate programs, Edwards Mediation Academy has trained individuals in mediation skills in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Bermuda, Japan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and throughout Western Europe.Students upload assessments to Totara Learn and are scored on the site by EMA’s assessment team.After successful completion of the course and the assessments, participants receive a certificate of completion in a graduation ceremony.  The online portion of the training is delivered on Totara Learn. Totara’s multi-lingual capabilities and mobile-ready platform has helped make the course accessible in remote areas of the world.Courses are sold on the EMA website and affiliate websites using Course Merchant.Totara’s advanced reporting is used to create scheduled reports for student progress and accreditation for organizations such as the California Bar Association. This allows EMA and affiliates to track student progress to ensure a robust learning journey. 

The Results

“Totara and eClass4learning have allowed EMA to take our mediation training to locations and individuals that need quality mediation training. With the help of eClass4learning, we have been able to tailor our courses and the learning site specifically for our affiliate programs, to meet their needs and the unique needs of their legal system. This partnership has allowed EMA to fulfill our mission – to provide authentic, experiential learning from the most accomplished and respected leaders in mediation around the globe.”- Susan Edwards, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Edwards Mediation Academy

Courses are accredited by the California Bar and other State Bar Associations.Over 600 participants have successfully completed Edwards Mediation courses.Students include high court, supreme court and appellate justices, including three Chief Justices and various Ministers; especially significant in those countries that historically have had limited access to justice.In course evaluations, 100% of respondents said this course met or exceeded their expectations, and they would recommend this course to colleagues.

“Best course I’ve ever taken. I learned so much. The technology was much easier than expected and allowed for deep learning. The technical support was fantastic.”- Ministry of Justice, Rwanda

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