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Delivering a training platform that’s on the money for fintech company Bravura Solutions - Totara Learning
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Delivering a training platform that’s on the money for fintech company Bravura Solutions

Giving Bravura Solutions more control over training visibility, completions and assignments, while consolidating and expanding its e-learning programmes into an organisation-wide LMS.

Bravura Solutions is a software company specialising in financial technology platforms. For more than 30 years, it has been developing technologies to help global financial institutions deliver wealth management, life insurance, funds administration and other financial services.

The Challenge

Bravura had been using the Totara Learn learning management system to deliver some training, simulations and assessments to both colleagues and clients. The organisation made a strategic decision to consolidate its learning and development infrastructure into a single, central platform.With Bravura’s Training Team having already had a couple of years’ experience of working with Totara, and seeing the potential to apply some of its key features throughout the organisation, it was the obvious choice for a company-wide LMS. Totara Partner Synergy Learning were tasked with overseeing the upgrade and expansion of the platform.

The Solution: Upgrading and expanding

Synergy Learning upgraded Bravura Solutions’ existing Totara Learn 9.22 platform to a new Totara Learn 12 platform. They rebuilt the theme to be compatible with the new version of Totara, while ensuring it remains true to Bravura’s brand guidelines and familiar to its current learners.At the same time as upgrading the infrastructure, they expanded the user base to form the strategic Bravura Academy platform: a learning management system to serve all of the organisation’s 1,400 colleagues worldwide.Using Totara’s HR import functionality, Synergy Learning helped to roll out the new platform to all learners simultaneously by integrating the LMS with Bravura Solutions’ HR system. Previously, managing joiners, leavers and movers had been a laborious, manual process.All Bravura’s learners access the platform to complete e-induction training when they join the organisation, including mandatory compliance training, role-based training and product training. Additionally, the LMS is used to deliver product-specific training to clients, who have controlled access to their relevant areas of the LMS.They incorporated single sign-on, so Bravura learners who are logged into other systems can instantly access the LMS. This has improved the user experience, as well as reducing time spent on user management administration for the Training Team.Live training sessions now have simple self-sign-up processes, with Bravura’s administrators easily able to record attendance records for each session. 

The Result: Total control of learning deployment, assignment and reporting

The Bravura Academy LMS now provides a hub for all of Bravura Solutions’ learning, with a single record of learning and training for each of the organisation’s learners. All of its training is consolidated in one place, where colleagues can explore learning at their own pace, monitor their own training accomplishments and line managers have visibility of their teams’ progress.Bravura can launch more relevant courses – and does so more quickly, more effectively and more efficiently – due to the increased agility provided by the LMS. The ease of Totara administration means Bravura no longer needs an external account manager to action update requests on its behalf.The benefits of these improvements can easily be seen by Bravura’s various stakeholders, with Totara Learn’s powerful reporting system allowing for the creation of targeted reports that quickly get relevant information to key colleagues.

“Synergy Learning is very responsive and always goes over and above to make sure that everything – from a full upgrade to a minor support request – is completed to resolution. We now have the freedom to configure and manage all the learning and training undertaken by our colleagues and clients in our strategic global platform.”

Zoe Springford, Training Manager

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