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BARDOC passes CQC inspection by demonstrating compliance with Totara Learn

BARDOC is a provider of out-of-hours emergency GP and dental services to the local communities of Bury, Heywood, Middleton, Rochdale (HMR) and Bolton. BARDOC believes in putting patients at the heart of their service and delivering the best possible value for money in the care they provide.

The Challenge

As a social enterprise delivering services to the NHS, BARDOC is inspected regularly by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). In November 2016, they were given notice that their next CQC inspection was scheduled for 3rd February, resulting in very little time to prepare. BARDOC recognised the importance of this inspection, and decided that they needed a more robust way to demonstrate compliance than their existing spreadsheet of training records.

The Solution

With their CQC inspection imminent, BARDOC turned to Chambury Learning Solutions to develop a quick, simple and effective platform for use by their employees.

The aim was to create something that could generate the necessary compliance and completion percentages required to meet the inspection criteria.

Previously, this data had been kept on one main spreadsheet. The team at Chambury took this information and imported into Totara Learn, an open source learning platform to educate, manage and connect people. Using SCORM/AICC modules (the high standards used in the marketplace today by many learning management systems), the new platform allowed BARDOC’s staff to access the content they needed.

The site Chambury created involved:

  • Updating details on forthcoming courses
  • Importing legacy course completion data
  • The creation of all the certifications in the system

The work commenced over the Christmas and New Year period and was completed in good time for BARDOC’s CQC inspection.

Created in just three weeks, the platform gave managers access to colour-coded reports enabling them to see which members of staff still needed to complete compliance training or whose certifications were about to expire to ensure that they could more easily stay on top of compliance training. The platform was designed to look like the BARDOC website for consistency across systems, giving a seamless user experience.

The Results

BARDOC passed their CQC inspection and were found to be fully compliant, which was an excellent result considering the very short timeframe within which their system was built.

Their next steps are to build appraisal forms in their platform and introduce nursing revalidation, whereby nurses can record their CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and feedback for future reference.

“It was vital that we developed a platform that was workable and easy to use in preparation for a crucial inspection on BARDOC’s services. Time was short but we were determined that the result be a robust, lasting system. Chambury’s team delivered just that and played their role in the resulting positive inspection.” – Vicky Riding, Chief Executive, BARDOC

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