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Totara Recipe: Make customer service the heart of everything you do - Totara Learning
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Totara Recipe: Make customer service the heart of everything you do

Question: Who is involved in customer service at your organisation?
Answer: Probably everyone!

E-learning has the potential to transform customer service training by allowing learners to practice their skills in safe, non-confrontational settings before they have to use these skills in the real world.

But where do you begin?

  • A mission statement. What are the training goals being pursued? Outcomes such as product knowledge and stress management are also part of customer service.
  • A flexible and scalable LMS
  • Powerful reporting tools, to track user progress
  • Cloud hosting for access anytime, anywhere
  • Social learning tools
  • Share your video on company vision and values.
  • Integrate your customer service training with existing internal systems. Build the ethos that everyone in your organisation is involved in customer service.
  • Opt for user-centred design to promote engagement. How does this raining connect to real-life situations?
  • What are your targets? Set measurable objectives to gauge improvements, e.g. cross-selling targets or a particular metric.
  • Show your team what the gold standard of customer service looks like. Your content should enable learners view interactions with a critical eye.
  • Build engagement early through collaboration. Everyone will have a story to share and this will add authenticity and personality to the learning.
  • Communication is key. Build in regular reminders and bite-sized learning to ensure everyone is on track with their learning.
Serve and enjoy!

A vastly improved experience deliver to your customers! By putting customer service at the heart of your training program,  you will boost customer loyalty, customer referrals, increased customer satisfaction and increased revenue.

Download the customer service recipe

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