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Totara Recipe: How to implement social learning

Social learning is becoming an increasingly popular element of organisations’ learning strategies, as it supports the 20% of the 70:20:10 model focused on learning through relationships with others. However, many businesses aren’t making the most of this valuable approach to learning. Our easy recipe will help you focus your efforts in the right way to ensure your social learning initiative is a success.

  • Enterprise social network
  • Internal marketing campaig
  • Engaged learner community
  • Leaders to demonstrate best practice
  • Social learning ambassadors
  • Integration with other systems
  • Stakeholder buy-i
  • Research how your learners already use social media
  • Create materials to promote the social platform internally
  • Ensure the platform fully integrates with all other relevant systems (including your learning management system and HR systems)
  • Set up accounts for everyone on the new social platform
  • Ensure everyone has the information and training they need to use it effectively
  • Create groups and set up custom streams for more targeted, personalised learning experiences
  • Reward active users with badges, a special status on the platform (e.g. ‘top contributor’) and recognition from managers
Serve and enjoy!
  • An informal learning experience fully embedded into working life
  • More efficient learning as employees share expertise for faster, more targeted answers to their questions
  • A cost-effective way to ensure information is distributed throughout the organisation despite geographical and practical constraints

Download the social learning recipe to get started.

If you’re enjoying our recipes so far, don’t forget to check out the others using #totararecipe.

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