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5 Things We Learned About Using Audio for Workplace Learning

In a world where podcasts have become a staple for news, entertainment, and personal development, the question arises: Why aren’t we using audio more for workplace learning? That was the focus of Totara’s recent Assemble You webinar, led by co-founder Adam Lacey, who shared powerful insights on leveraging audio formats like podcasts for corporate training. Here are five big takeaways from the session that could transform how we think about learning and development (L&D):

1. Audio Learning Meets Us Where We Are

One of the major advantages of audio learning is that it integrates seamlessly into our everyday lives. Many of us already consume podcasts or audiobooks while commuting, working out, or even doing household chores. As Adam noted, “Audio learning allows employees to engage with training content without disrupting their day.” It offers flexibility—something that traditional screen-based eLearning often lacks. In a world where attention spans are shrinking, and screen fatigue is real, audio can be a more natural way for learners to absorb content in the flow of their daily routines.

2. Screen Fatigue is Real, and Audio Can Combat It

For knowledge workers who spend hours glued to their screens, the last thing they want is more screen time. Screen fatigue is a common issue, and audio offers a refreshing alternative. Adam described this shift: “It’s become a bigger ask for learning and development teams to request more screen time from employees who have spent eight hours on Zoom calls. Audio gives them a break from that.” Whether it’s learning on a walk or listening to a podcast during lunch, audio provides a way to be productive without additional screen strain.

3. Deskless Workers Are an Untapped Audience

Deskless workers, such as those in retail, manufacturing, and delivery services, often don’t have access to the same learning tools as their desk-bound colleagues. Audio learning is a game-changer for these employees, allowing them to access content on their mobile phones during breaks or downtime. Adam shared an interesting example: “We didn’t think about deskless workers when we first launched, but we quickly discovered there’s enormous pent-up demand for audio from frontline workers who don’t have the same access to devices as knowledge workers.”

4. Audio Is More Engaging Than You Think

There’s a misconception that audio is too passive for workplace learning, but Assemble You’s approach proves otherwise. By complementing their audio lessons with reflection points, quizzes, and infographics, audio becomes a powerful tool for engagement. Adam explained, “Audio can be passive, but with structured reflection points and follow-up activities, you can drive meaningful engagement.” Learners can reflect on key points or test their knowledge after listening, ensuring they retain and apply the content.

5. We’re Overlooking Audio’s Potential in L&D

Despite the growing popularity of podcasts, 86% of employees surveyed said their companies don’t offer audio-based learning. Yet, the overwhelming majority said yes when asked if they’d prefer high-quality audio content. “There’s an enormous opportunity here,” Adam stressed. The flexibility, ease of use, and habit-forming nature of podcasts make them ideal for learning—especially in today’s multitasking world. Adam’s advice? “Start small. Incorporate audio into your existing training programs and see how learners respond.” It could unlock a whole new way of learning for your workforce.

Keep Learning

Audio learning is more than just an alternative to video or text—it’s a modality that fits naturally into the rhythm of our lives. Whether it’s reducing screen fatigue, engaging deskless workers, or offering more flexible learning options, audio has the potential to revolutionize how we approach corporate training.
Curious to learn more about the transformative power of audio in workplace learning?

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