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Envigo improves learner engagement from 1% to 45% by opening up learning to the entire organisation

Envigo provides essential products and research services for pharmaceutical, crop protection and chemical companies as well as universities, governments, and other research organisations. Envigo is committed to helping customers realise the full potential of their products and research which contribute to enhancing the lives of people and animals as well as protecting the environment.

The Challenge

Envigo has around 3,400 employees across 50+ locations worldwide. Envigo formed in 2015 following a company integration; this move meant they had to reconsider how they would deliver learning and development to a global audience.The existing Learning and Development team had three team members based in the UK. There were multiple learning systems in place and different sites were using spreadsheets and other databases to track classroom training. Booking people onto courses required a lot of administration effort. They were using an online training provider to offer management training and host internally developed content; however content was restricted to a selection of short video clips and book summaries. Usage statistics showed only 1% of employees were utilising this system per year.In 2016, they decided that their current offering was not hitting the mark and approached Engage in Learning, who recommended replacing their multiple existing systems with a Totara Learn platform and their online learning modules.

The Solutio

As soon as Envigo signed their contract with Engage in Learning, they wanted to get started right away. The implementation process started mid-May, and their new Learning Management System (LMS), ‘Envigo Learn’, went live at the end of July, making this a very quick turnaround.Several things had attracted Envigo to Totara Learn. They knew it would enable them to reach their global audience, with the multiple language options being particularly useful. The platform also provides a flexible environment from which to run Engage in Learning’s e-learning content, which proved to be exceptionally good value and covers a wide range of topics. They also liked that their solution could be mobile compatible, ensuring that even those employees with limited access to computers could access learning.Envigo has created separate audiences for different learner groups, such as those in the US and the UK, to ensure that everyone only sees the most relevant content. Their Totara Learn platform is home to a wide range of content, including onboarding, health and safety, management development and soft skills content.Managers can also now approve training and view their team members learning records easily. Reports are generated with ease and the certification features allows them to manage mandatory learning effortlessly. Business areas are also starting to develop their own technical content and host videos and presentations on Envigo Learn, encouraging knowledge sharing. They have also launched an ebook library through their Totara Learn platform which is proving a very popular resource.Some employees do not have email accounts, so Engage in Learning created a workaround. The LMS creates dummy email accounts and system-generated passwords for people who do not have their own and their login details are emailed to their manager, making this a quick, efficient solution to this issue.In fact, the team had a message from an employee in North America who asked if the system was intended for them to use. When they were told the system was for everyone, they happily replied that this would allow them develop their skills as one day they wanted to be a supervisor. To Envigo, this was a great sign that they had done what they set out to achieve and made learning available to all employees globally. 

The Results

“It’s brilliant! I really love that I can learn whilst I am travelling and the system is accessible to everyone who did not have it before.” – Learner, Envigo

Within a week of the launch, over 400 employees have logged on and over 220 courses were completed. Four months on, 45% of Envigo’s employees have logged on – a vast improvement on the 1% using the platform in the previous year, and to date, over 1,860 courses have been completed.Envigo used to run their UK health and safety training through another system, which cost around £6,000 a year. Since the implementation of Totara Learn, Envigo has cancelled its contract with this other system, helping them save money on their training. The booking and training records systems are now centralised, meaning all bookings can be captured and tracked globally without duplication of efforts.Other benefits include encouraging Envigo’s 300 study directors to network globally, which helps to break down regional silos. Since launch, Envigo has also purchased an ebook library, which Engage in Learning helped to integrate into the main Totara Learn platform for a seamless user experience.  One month after launch, over 700 books have been downloaded. This would not have been possible on their previous systems. Envigo is delighted with Engage in Learning’s customer service; particularly their responsiveness and willingness to help with every query Envigo had along the way.Next, Envigo will be looking to create learning pathways for professional qualifications, including assessments and tests. Along with this, they would like to build a talent academy so they can offer a graduate programme. This will be an ambitious project, but they are confident that with the combination of Totara Learn and Engage in Learning, this will be a great success.

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