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Volvo Cars' LMS implemented within eight days for easy assessment of car technicians

Volvo Car USA, LLC is the corporate presence of Volvo Cars Group in North America. Volvo Cars Group is owned by Zhejiang Geely Holding of China with manufacturing in Sweden, Belgium, China, and soon to be in South Carolina, USA. Volvo Cars Group, established in 1927 and still headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, produces a premium range of luxury cars including sedans, powerwagons, and SUVs.

The Challenge

Volvo Car USA, LLC needed a solution for managing online testing for their service technician competition on a limited timeline and budget.

The solution needed to manage teams of technicians in the US and Canada through a timed exam with a simple interface and track and report the results. The user was to be limited to only one pass through the test, and if the time expired, the exam was to be terminated and scored for what was completed.

From the initial request to Ken Cook Co., Volvo needed to have the LMS operational within three weeks to align with their schedule.

The Solution

As long-standing customers of Ken Cook Co., Volvo Cars approached them with the site requirements. They have been working with Ken Cook Co. for over 40 years in print, fulfilment, development projects and the creation of training manuals, but never anything directly related to learning management systems.

In competitive bidding to a few vendors, Volvo Cars selected Ken Cook Co.’s Totara Learn solution, as it was the best-value option, met and exceeded all requirements and they were confident that Ken Cook Co. could complete the solution in the required timeframe.The LMS itself contains a single multiple-choice test, designed to assess service technician’s understanding of customer service and technical issues. The LMS was designed meet the Volvo brand guidelines, with a basic theme for easy editing on Volvo Cars’ part.

This simple solution comprising a course, graphic uploads and a test for dealership technicians was exactly what Volvo Cars needed to be up and running quickly.

Ken Cook Co. understood the urgency of this project for Volvo Cars, and worked hard to build and launch the solution in just eight working days to meet Volvo Cars’ deadline. This rapid turnaround was necessary as part of Volvo Cars’ biannual competition for service technicians.

In the event of a tie-break situation, Totara Learn also gave Volvo the opportunity to see completion times, enabling them to award the employee who completed the quiz the fastest.

Ken Cook Co. set up this implementation of Totara Learn to allow Volvo Cars to easily make edits and corrections to quiz questions as necessary if needed. They did not want to have to ask programmers to edit questions or site content.

Volvo Cars also benefits from a single, simple report, set up by Ken Cook Co., where they can see which teams and users logged in, how the technicians scored and how long it took them. This made tracking and assessing performance significantly easier than the manual process used in the past.

“Totara Learn was very easy for us to use. We were able to easily set up the quiz and make edits ourselves when needed. Our dealerships in North America could quickly take the test and we were able to track their results and how long it took them.”

Bill Ryan, Technical Training Instructor, Volvo Cars
The Results

The turnaround for this project was extremely fast, with the LMS developed, tested and launched in only eight working days.

One of the real successes of this LMS is that service managers and technicians from 53 teams across the US and Canada were able to quickly and easily access and complete the exam portion of the technician competition.

Volvo Cars is extremely happy with the quick response and development time and the price point of the solution. Volvo also said that Totara Learn does everything they asked for and more, is very easy to use and is well priced.

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